Official Title
Prevention of COVID-19 Progression Through Early Administration of Inhaled Nitric Oxide.
Brief Summary

This is a pilot randomized-controlled (2:1) open label investigation of inhaled NO to prevent progression to more advanced disease in 42 hospitalized patients with COVID-19, at risk for worsening, based on baseline systemic oxygenation and 2 or more of the major risk factors of age > 60 years, type II DM, hypertension, and obesity.

Detailed Description

Primary Objective:

• To investigate the hypothesis that inhaled NO will reduce clinical worsening of
hospitalized, high-risk patients with early COVID-19 to progressive systemic de-oxygenation,
intubation, or death.

Secondary Objectives:

• To investigate the hypothesis that the beneficial effects of inhaled NO occur coincident
with a decrease in systemic inflammation in COVID-19.

This is a pilot randomized-controlled (2:1) open label investigation of inhaled NO to prevent
progression to more advanced disease in 42 hospitalized patients with COVID-19, at risk for
worsening, based on baseline systemic oxygenation and 2 or more of the major risk factors of
age > 60 years, type II DM, hypertension, and obesity.

We will perform computerized block randomization (on day zero) with a 2:1 study
drug-to-control ratio to receive either open label pulsed inhaled nitric oxide, in addition
to standard of care, or standard of care alone. Randomization will be stratified by being in
clinical severity stage 1 or stage 2. Randomization will occur in blocks of 6 subjects: 4 iNO
and 2 standard of care. Subjects will receive iNO using the INO pulse device at a dose of 125
mcg/kg IBW/hr (equivalent to approximately 20 ppm)

The clinical disease severity will be assessed pre-randomization as the worse of 2 scores
measured 2 hours apart. Patients eligible for randomization will be those with scores of 1 or
2 (below), and randomization will be stratified according to score (1 or 2). Study drug will
begin within 1 hour of randomization. Beginning on the day following randomization ("day 1"),
we will be calculate clinical score, daily, as the average of 3 assessments made within 2
hour windows.

The patient will be followed, and clinical stage determined daily, through discharge, death
or 28 days post-randomization. Treatment will be given for up to 2 weeks unless patient
deteriorates and requires escalation to high flow or intubation or improves and is no longer
deemed to need therapy.

The following severity score 3 times daily, based on the level of oxygenation / ventilation
support, where the treatment target is 92% <= O2 saturation < 96%

: Scale Title:7-Point Respiratory Severity Scale Scale Range: 0-6 Higher values = worse

Stage Oxygen support

0. Not receiving O2 supplementation; AND room air O2 saturation ≥95%

1. Supplemental O2 ≤ 2 liters/min; OR room air O2 saturation ≤ 94%

2. Supplemental nasal O2 >2 and <= 5 liters/min

3. Supplemental nasal O2 >5 liters/min

4. HFNC or NIV with FiO2 > 50%

5. Intubation, ECMO, or need to intubate with "Do not intubate" order

6. Death

Treatment effect will also be assessed, as a secondary endpoint, via an alternate severity
scale, assigned daily from the data accrued, as above, through 14 days post-randomization or

Data from this pilot study will be used to plan future a larger randomized controlled outcome


Drug: Nitric Oxide

Subjects will receive iNO using the INO pulse device at a dose of 125 mcg/kg IBW/hr (equivalent to approximately 20 ppm). The clinical disease severity will be assessed pre-randomization as the worse of 2 scores measured 2 hours apart. Patients eligible for randomization will be those with scores of 1 or 2 (below), and randomization will be stratified according to score (1 or 2). Study drug will begin within 1 hour of randomization. Beginning on the day following randomization ("day 1"), we will be calculate clinical score, daily, as the average of 3 measurements taken within 2 hour windows centered at 6AM, 2PM, and 10PM.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Age 18-85 years.

2. Admitted to the hospital (med-surg or critical care) with dyspnea

3. Diagnosis of COVID-19 based on either

1. positive nasal or oral pharyngeal swab by PCR, or

2. highly probable clinical picture based on clinical and CXR/CT scan

4. Requiring oxygen supplementation OR O2 saturation on room air of ≤ 94%

5. At least 2 of the following 4 risk factors for clinical worsening:

1. Age >= 60 years

2. T2DM or pre-diabetes as evidenced by either treatment with a hypoglycemic agent
or any documented HgA1c >= 5.6

3. Obesity, based on BMI >= 30 kg/m2

4. Hypertension, based on treatment with an antihypertensive medication or systolic
or diastolic blood pressure measurement >= 140 or >= 90 mmHg, documented at
enrollment or at any time within the prior 6 months.

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Intubated or prior intubation (during present hospitalization) or anticipated
intubation within the subsequent 2 hours.

2. Receiving > 5L/min flow nasal O2 to maintain O2sat greater than or equal to 92%

3. Using high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) or non-invasive ventilation (NIV)

4. Receiving iNO, a PDE5 inhibitor, oral or intravenous nitrates, nitroprusside,
prilocaine, sulfonamides, or riociguat.

5. Other major pulmonary, cardiac, such as chronic obstructive lung disease or heart
failure, or systemic illness or disease involvement with potential to represent the
primary driver for clinical deterioration within the next 3 days.

6. History of group 1 pulmonary hypertension.

7. Pregnancy

8. Active breast feeding

9. Severe chronic kidney disease, either receiving renal replacement therapy or eGFR < 15

10. Acute kidney injury (AKI), evidenced by acute doubling of serum creatinine within
previous 48 hours.

11. Clinically relevant spontaneous alteration of mental state

12. Inability to provide written informed consent.

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: 85 Years
United States

Tufts Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Marvin Konstam, MD, Principal Investigator
Tufts Medical Center

NCT Number
inhaled nitric oxide
MeSH Terms
Nitric Oxide