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- Expanded Access eRequest
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The web links in this directory are public information provided to the Foundation and the acknowledgement times listed are the number of days or hours for a company to acknowledge receipt of request, not to make a decision. Data contained in this directory is provided either directly by the company or by ClinicalTrials.gov for the companies listed in this directory.
The Expanded Access listings provided on this website are limited to those companies currently in the Company Directory and include listings for expanded access which are Available, Temporarily Not Available and Approved for Marketing, which in some cases includes treatments which have not yet reached the market. In addition, many companies are willing to consider expanded access requests even if they do not show active Expanded Access Listings in this directory. Contact the company to explore the possibility of individual access to an investigational therapy.
To learn more about clinical trials and expanded access, please visit our patient and physician guides on this website.
Company Name
Phone Number & Email
Company Acknowledgement
Expected Application Timeframe
ImmediateSingle-Patient EA Policies/Criteria
Disease/Category-Specific EA Policies/Criteria
Jiangsu Pacific Meinuoke Biopharmaceuticals
Expected Application Timeframe
10 business daysSingle-Patient EA Policies/Criteria
At this time, we do not have an expanded access program that allows patients to have access to our investigational products prior to completing clinical phase II study. The IND of Meplazumab for Injection (IND 143872) has been deemed partical safe-to-proceed and the fast track designation has been granted on Feb 14th, 2020. The registration in ClinicalTrials.gov will be done before the trial starts and a link will be provided then.