Official Title
A Multicenter, Prospective, Adaptive, Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Effect of Fluvoxamine Plus Budesonide, Fluoxetine Plus Budesonide and Spirulin Platensis, in High Risk Patients With Mild COVID-19
Brief Summary

The COVID-19 pandemic has been characterized by high morbidity and mortality, especially in certain subgroups of patients. To date, no treatment has been shown to be effective in patients with early-onset disease and mild symptoms. Experimental studies have demonstrated a potential anti-inflammatory role of Fluvoxamine, Fluoxetine, Budesonide and Spirulin Platensis in SARS-CoV-2 infections and observational studies have suggested a reduced complications in patients with COVID-19 disease.

Detailed Description

In December 2019 a series of viral pneumonia cases were reported in the city of Wuhan, China
and a new subtype of coronavirus has been identified as the causative agent of this
condition. On February 11, 2000 the disease has been characterized as COVID-19 and on March
11 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a state of worldwide pandemic. On January 25,
2021 there are 98,794,942 cases and 2,124,193 documented deaths (global case-fatality ratio
of 2.15%).

To date, no early treatment has been identified as effective in combating this disease which
has been identified as with high morbidity and mortality. Epidemiological data suggest that
despite development of vaccines we will have hundreds od thousands of cases in the next two

Thus, we propose the prospective, double-blinded, randomized evaluation of potential
therapies against SARS-CoV2 and some clinical evidence derived from observational studies on
reducing complications if used early on the disease, before inflammatory cascade is fully

Important considerations on TOGETHER Adaptive Trial:

1. The Pegylated Lambda interferon arm was ended on early February 2022.

2. The Proposal of a new arm: Spirulin platensis.

3. The Modification on primary endpoints that will be effective only for new arms added to
the trial (Spirulin platensis).

SARS-Associated Coronavirus

Dietary Supplement: Spirulin Platensis

Two tablets every 12 hours since randomization through day 09 following randomization

Drug: Budesonide Powder

One Fluvoxamine tablet every 12 hours since randomization through day 09. PLUS
01 Budesonide powder (inhalation) every 12 hours since randomization through day 09.
Other Name: Fluvoxamine Maleate 100 MG [Luvox]

Drug: Fluoxetine 20 MG

Two Fluoxetine tablets every day starting just after randomization through day 07.
01 Budesonide powder (inhalation) every 12 hours since randomization through day 07.
Other Name: Budesonide powder

Drug: Placebo

Placebo oral tablets (10-day schedule):
Matching tablets started after randomization using the dosing regimen of 01 tablet every 12 hs starting at Randomization Day (Day 0) until end of Day 09 (total of 10 day schedule)
Placebo Inhalation Therapy:
One dosing (inhalation puff) right after randomization (Day 0) followed by one puff BID for the following 09 days
Paracetamol (07-day schedule - active comparator):
Paracetamol 500 mg tablets started after randomization using the dosing regimen of 01 tablet BID starting at Rand. Day (Day 0) until end of Day 06 (total of 07 days schedule - ANTICOV Arm)
Matching tablets started after randomization using the dosing regimen of 02 tablets every 12 hs starting at Randomization Day (Day 0) until end of Day 09 (total of 10 day schedule)

Eligibility Criteria

A - Inclusion Criteria (except fluoxetine + budesonide and paracetamol arms):

1. Patients over 18 years old with the ability to provide free and informed consent

2. Acute Flu-Like symptoms < 07 days.

3. Patients with at least ONE enhancement criteria:

1. The. Age > 50 years old (does not need any of the other criteria)

2. Diabetes mellitus requiring oral medication or insulin

3. Systemic arterial hypertension requiring at least 01 oral medication for

4. Known cardiovascular diseases (heart failure, congenital heart disease, valvular
disease, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathies under treatment, clinically
manifest heart diseases with clinical repercussions)

5. Symptomatic and/or treated lung disease (emphysema, fibrosing diseases)

6. Patients with symptomatic asthma requiring chronic use of agents to control

7. Obesity, defined as BMI > 30 kg/m2 in weight and height information provided by
the patient;

8. Transplant patients

9. Patient with stage IV chronic kidney disease or on dialysis.

10. Patient with temperature measured at screening > 38º C.

11. Patients with at least one of the following symptoms: Cough, Dyspnea,
Ventilator-dependent chest pain or myalgias with limitation of daily activities
(Criterion limited to 25% of randomizations)

12. Immunosuppressed patients/using corticosteroid therapy (equivalent to a maximum
of 10 mg of prednisone per day) and/or immunosuppressive therapy)

13. Patients with a history of cancer in the last 5 years or currently undergoing
oncological treatment

4. Patient with positive rapid test for SARS-CoV2 antigen performed on occasion of the
screening or patient with a positive SARS-CoV2 diagnostic test within 07 days of the
onset of symptoms.

5. Willingness to use the proposed investigative treatment and follow the
protocol-related procedures foreseen in the research.

6. Signing the Free and Informed Consent Form before any research procedures

B - Inclusion criteria for the Fluoxetine + Budesonide combination arm (07 days of
treatment - partnership with the "ANTICOV Consortium"):

1. Patients over 18 years of age with the ability to provide free and informed consent.

2. Patients treated at a Basic Health Unit of the Unified Health System (SUS) or patients
treated at emergency care units of the SUS or supplementary medicine with an acute
clinical condition compatible with COVID 19.

3. Patients over 18 years of age and a history of at least ONE of the following criteria.

1. Diabetes mellitus, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular diseases or patients considered to be
underweight or overweight according to the investigator's judgment (BMI ≤ 16 or
BMI > 25).


2. Individuals aged ≥ 60 years without co-morbidities.

4) COVID-19 confirmed by molecular or antigenic test for SARS-CoV-2 within up to
24 hours prior to screening and a maximum of 2 days after sample collection.

5) Viral syndrome with or without pneumonia and arterial O2 saturation > 94%.

6) Signing the Free and Informed Consent Form before any research procedures.

7) Willingness to use the proposed investigational treatment and follow the
procedures provided for in the research.

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Negative diagnostic test for SARS-CoV2 associated with acute flu-like symptoms
(patients with a negative test taken early and becoming positive a few days later are
eligible, as long as they are < 07 days from the onset of flu-like symptoms);

2. Patients with an acute respiratory condition compatible with COVID-19 treated in the
primary care network and with a decision to be hospitalized;

3. Patients with acute respiratory symptoms due to other causes;

4. Dyspnea secondary to other acute and chronic respiratory causes or infections (e.g.
decompensated COPD, Acute bronchitis, Pneumonia other than viral, Primary pulmonary
arterial hypertension);

5. Patients requiring hospitalization due to COVID-19 or SpO2 ≤ 93%.

6. Exclusion criteria applicable to the 7-day treatment arms:

1. Abnormal findings on physical examination: Respiratory rate ≥ 25 irm; blood
pressure < 90/ 60 mmHg or > 160/ 100 mmHg; Weight < 45 kg; recent episodes of
vomiting in the last 24 hours or diarrhea > 3 episodes in the last 24 hours or
serum potassium below 3.5 mEq/L.

2. Serious injury to any organ that requires resuscitation and continuous treatment.

3. Use of chronic systemic corticosteroid therapy with prednisone equivalent doses
of > 40 mg/day

4. Ongoing immunosuppressive treatment

5. History of known pulmonary arterial hypertension or pulmonary fibrosis

6. Patients previously vaccinated with two doses for SARS-CoV-2, with the last dose
administered less than 180 days after screening; Patients with a single dose of
Janssen SARS-CoV-2 vaccine received (except Janssen vaccine) and unvaccinated
patients can participate regardless of the period.

7. Use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors (all)

8. Patients vaccinated for SARS-CoV-2 (complete vaccination - 02 doses) within 06
months of the last dose before randomization or patients who received a "booster"
dose at any time before randomization.

9. For any new antiviral included in the study, prior treatment with the antiviral,
presence of contraindication to its use or concomitant intake of medication
prohibited for its use.

10. Enrolled in other clinical trials with unregistered medicines or with a
registered medicine that may interact with any of the study PIs or
contraindicated as concomitant treatment in the last 3 months before screening.

7. Exclusion criteria applicable to the 10-day treatment arm:

A. Chronic use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors other than sertraline B. Chronic use
of corticosteroid therapy with prednisone equivalent doses of > 40 mg/day

8. Exclusion criteria applicable to the 14-day treatment arm: Patients with

9. Continued use of monoamine oxidation inhibitors (MAOIs): Phenelzine, Tranylcypromine,
Selegiline, Isocarboxazid, moclobemide;

10. Patients with severe psychiatric disorders - schizophrenia, uncontrolled bipolar
disorders, major depression with suicidal ideation.

11. Pregnant or breastfeeding patients;

12. History of severe ventricular cardiac arrhythmia (Ventricular Tachycardia, recovered
ventricular fibrillation patients) or Long QT Syndrome;

13. Known history of decompensated heart failure (NYHA III or IV), recent myocardial
infarction (event < 90 days from screening), unstable angina, recent coronary bypass
surgery (procedure < 90 days from screening), recent stroke ( event < 90 days from
screening), symptomatic carotid disease, or mitral or aortic stenosis of moderate to
severe intensity;

14. Surgical procedure or hospitalization planned (for other indications) to occur during
treatment or up to 5 days after the last dose of study medication;

15. Current daily and/or uncontrolled alcohol consumption, which in the investigator's
view could compromise participation in the study;

16. History of seizures in the last month or uncontrolled seizures;

17. Clinical history of moderate to severe hepatic impairment or liver cirrhosis with
Child-Pugh classification C;

18. Patients with known severe degenerative neurological diseases and/or serious mental
illnesses as assessed by the investigator;

19. Inability of the patient or representative to give consent or adhere to the procedures
proposed in the protocol;

20. Any clinical conditions, including psychiatric conditions, which in the investigator's
view could be an impediment to the use of research medications;

21. Known hypersensitivity and/or intolerance to Spirulin Platensis, Budesonide,
Fluvoxamine and Fluoxetine;

22. Use of medications which have a known interaction with Spirulin platensis, Budesonide,
Fluvoxamine and Fluoxetine;

23. Inability to use the medications and formulations provided for in this research;

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

City of Betim
Betim, MG, Brazil

Hospital e Maternidade Santa Rita
Contagem, MG, Brazil

City of Governador Valadares
Governador Valadares, MG, Brazil

City of Ibirité
Ibirité, MG, Brazil

City of Nova Lima
Nova Lima, MG, Brazil

City of Santa Luzia
Santa Luzia, MG, Brazil

City of Sete Lagoas
Sete Lagoas, MG, Brazil

CARDRESEARCH - Cardiologia Assistencial e de Pesquisa
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

City of Brumadinho
Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, Brazil

City of Igarapé
Igarapé, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Centro Universitário FIPMOC
Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil


Gilmar Reis, MD, PhD

Eduardo Santos, MD, PhD

NCT Number
Randomized study
Spirulin Platensis
MeSH Terms
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome