FDA's Final Rule on Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods
Virtual Public Meeting
October 7, 2024 | 1-3:30pm (eastern)

Join us on October 7 to hear insights on the Final Rule on Requirements for Additional Traceability Records from both FDA leadership and other experts from across food industry sectors.

Then, we’ll open the mic for stakeholders to share their perspectives. We’ll be seeking input on approaches and solutions on the following topics:

  • Traceability Lot Codes & Labeling 

  • Warehouse Management Systems & Technology 

  • Implementation Schedule & Awareness 

  • Pilot/Concept Testing 

If you would like to attend the virtual public meeting, simply click the “Register to Attend Only” button below. If you are interested in presenting stakeholder comment, then please click the "Register to Attend & Provide Public Comment" button. Your request must be submitted no later than Noon (eastern) on September 30 for consideration. The Foundation strives to hear from a variety of voices during the meeting. Those accepted to present comments will be notified by October 2, 2024. Should you prefer to share written comments, please email up to five pages to finalrule@reaganudall.org by October 25, 2024. Written comments will be published on the Foundation website alongside the meeting recording and transcript.

This meeting follows the Foundation’s Roundtable series on the final rule. Read our Topline Learnings Summary.

Food Safety Modernization Act’s Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods

This rule introduces new traceability recordkeeping requirements for those involved in the manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding of foods listed on the Food Traceability List (FTL). The rule, effective January 20, 2026, mandates that these businesses maintain records with Key Data Elements linked to Critical Tracking Events and provide this information to the FDA within 24 hours upon request. The rule affects domestic and foreign firms producing food for U.S. consumption along the entire food supply chain in the farm-to-table continuum.