Official Title
Compassionate Use Program With Brivaracetam for the Treatment of Patients With Epilepsy
Brief Summary

This Compassionate Use Program (CUP) is setup to provide study patients with continuousaccess to Brivaracetam (BRV) for the time period between closures of the long-term followup studies N01125, N01199, N01372, N01379, and N01315 and when BRV is commerciallyavailable.

Individual Patients

Drug: Brivaracetam

Patients will start on the individual Brivaracetam (BRV) dose that they had reached at
the completion of the previous study. The BRV dose can be adjusted based on the
individual patient's seizure control and tolerability; however, the BRV dose may not
exceed 200 mg/day in divided (preferably symmetrical) morning and evening doses, taken
with or without food.

Up- and down-titration steps should be performed in steps of maximum 50 mg/day on a
weekly basis. The full down-titration should include a 1-week step at 20 mg/day.
Other Name: Briviact

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients with epilepsy who are participating in Brivaracetam (BRV) studies N01125,
N01199, N01372, N01379 or N01315

- Patients for whom the treating physician believes there is a continued benefit from
the long-term administration of BRV and other anti-epileptic therapies might not be
suitable for the patient

- Female patients without childbearing potential are eligible

- Female patients with childbearing potential are eligible if they use a medically
accepted contraceptive method for the duration of the Compassionate Use Program
(CUP) participation. The patient must understand the consequences and potential
risks of inadequately protected sexual activity, be educated about and understand
the proper use of contraceptive methods, and inform the treating physician of any
potential change in status

- Patient is considered reliable and capable of adhering to medication intake.

- Patient is informed of the details of this CUP, is given ample time and opportunity
to ask questions and consider his/her participation in this CUP, and the patient or
the legally authorized representative (LAR) has provided verbal consent to
participate, and, if required under local regulations, has given written informed

Exclusion Criteria:

- Severe medical, neurological and psychiatric disorders, including current suicidal
ideation or behavior, or laboratory values which may have an impact on the safety of
the patient, as determined by the treating physician

- Poor compliance with medication intake in the previous BRV study

- Participation in any clinical study of another investigation drug or device during
the CUP

- Pregnant or lactating woman

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 16 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

UCB Cares
+1 844 599 - 2273

UCB Cares, Study Director
001 844 599 2273 (UCB)

UCB Biopharma SRL
NCT Number
MeSH Terms