Official Title
Extended Access Program and Retrospective Chart Review for Lorcaserin in Dravet Syndrome and Other Refractory Epilepsies
Brief Summary

The primary purpose of this study is to provide continued access of lorcaserin toparticipants with Dravet syndrome and other refractory epilepsies.

Intermediate-size Population
Epilepsies, Myoclonic
Drug Resistant Epilepsy

Drug: Lorcaserin

Lorcaserin 10 milligram (mg) tablets orally.
Other Name: E2023

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Confirmed diagnosis of Dravet syndrome (according to Recommendation from a North
American Consensus Panel, 2017) or other refractory epilepsy (per the judgment of
the treating physician)

2. Male or female, age at least 2 years at the time of informed consent

3. Currently treated with lorcaserin, that the treatment is for Dravet syndrome or
other refractory epilepsies, and the treatment was initiated before 13 Feb 2020; or
has completed Study E2023-A001-304

4. Has a clinical benefit from lorcaserin in the opinion of the treating physician

Exclusion Criteria:


Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 2 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Eisai Medical Information

NCT Number
Extended Access Program
Expanded Access Program
Dravet Syndrome
Refractory Epilepsies
MeSH Terms
Drug Resistant Epilepsy
Epilepsies, Myoclonic