Official Title
A Phase II, Open Label, Randomized Controlled Trial to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Convalescent Plasma to Limit COVID-19 Associated Complications
Brief Summary

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, has been declared to be a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), Caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), COVID-19 has resulted in 1,781,127 cases and 108,994 deaths globally (till 12th April, 2020), affecting 199 countries and 2 international conveyances. US FDA has recently approved Convalescent Plasma from patients recovered from COVID 19 for the treatment of severe or life threatening COVID-19 infections. In a small case series, five critically ill COVID-19 patients with ARDS were treated with convalescent plasma containing neutralizing antibodies. Infusion of plasma was followed by improvement in clinical status in all five patients, with no deaths and the study reported that three patients were discharged, whilst two continued to be stable on mechanical ventilation. We designed this phase II, open label, randomized clinical trial with the primary objective to assess the safety and efficacy of the therapy in the second stage.

Detailed Description

The study will be conducted over the period of one year on 100 Hospitalized, COVID-19
patients, fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and are admitted for care at COVID-19
management facilities in Max healthcare Hospital will be eligible for inclusion in the trial.
This Phase II, open label, randomized controlled trial. Consecutive patients meeting the
inclusion-exclusion criteria and providing informed consent will be randomly assigned to the
test and the control group using random numbers generated by Patients in
the test group will receive convalescent plasma and the control group will be on standard

COVID-19 convalescent plasma will be collected from recovered individuals if they are
eligible to donate blood. For infusion of plasma existing SOP of the wards w.r.t transfusion
of FFP should be followed with special care to monitor these patients during and post-24
hours of transfusion. An ABO compatible plasma bag of approx. 200ml will be issued
maintaining all the blood bank records after thawing at 37 degree Celsius. The first plasma
transfusion may be followed by one or two additional doses of 200 ml at 24 hours interval
according to disease severity and tolerance of the infusions. Baseline data about the
demography, clinical presentations, ongoing medical therapy, and clinical history of
participants in both arms will be collected and compared. Response to convalescent plasma
will be coded as a binary outcome - based on whether the composite primary end point is met
or not. Adverse events associated with infusion of convalescent plasma will also be
descriptively summarized and compared with the adverse events experienced by participants
receiving standard of care.

Eligibility of Potential Donor

1. Only males and nulliparous female donors of weight > 55 kgs will be included.

2. Donor eligibility criteria for whole blood donation as per the departmental SOP will be
followed in accordance to the Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940 and rules 1945 therein (as
amended till March 2020). Donor will be screened, followed by brief physical

3. Donors not fit to donate blood based on the history and examination will be deferred and
excluded from plasma donor pool for a time period specified by country regulation &
departmental SOPs.

4. In addition to the aforementioned donor eligibility criteria, two EDTA samples (5 ml
each) and one plain sample (5 ml) will be drawn for the following pre-donation tests as
required for convalescent plasmapheresis (CPP).

- Blood group and antibody screening - Antibody screen positive donors will be

- Complete blood count including Hb, Hct, Platelet count, Total and differential
leucocyte count. Donors with Hb>12.5g/dl, platelet count >1, 50,000 per microliter
of blood and TLC within normal limits will be accepted.

- Screening for HIV, HBV and HCV by serology and NAT. Donor negative by both the
tests will be included.

- Screening for syphilis and malaria by serology. Negative donors will be included

- Total serum protein. Donors with total serum protein > 6gm/dl will be accepted (as
per Drugs and Cosmetics (Second Amendment) Rules, 2020)

- Titration of anti-COVID-19 (both IgG and IgM) antibodies and SARS- CoV-2
neutralizing antibodies may be done depending on availability of facilities at the
time of testing. (Desired titers for IgG antibodies >1024 or neutralizing
antibodies >40) doubling dilution of donor serum will be done and titration will be
done using ELISA. If not done at the time of plasma collection the donor samples
will be stored in aliquots at <-80° C to be tested at a later date.

- Molecular test for COVID-19 either from nasopharyngeal swab specimens or blood may
be done depending on availability of tests. Donors positive will be deferred.

Unknown status

Drug: Convalescent Plasma

200 ml of ABO compatible plasma transfusion will be done to the subject randomized for the test arm therapy

Other: Standard Care Therapy

Subjects randomized to control group will be on standard care treatment according to Institutional Protocols.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- 1. Patients admitted with RT-PCR confirmed COVID-19 illness. 2. Age > 18 years 3.
Written informed consent 4. Has any of the two

1. PaO2/ FiO2 <300

2. Respiratory Rate > 24/min and SaO2 < 93% on room air

Or In case of Severe or immediately life-threatening COVID-19, for example:

a. Severe disease is defined as: i. dyspnea, ii. respiratory frequency ≥ 30/min, iii. blood
oxygen saturation ≤ 93%, iv. partial pressure of arterial oxygen to fraction of inspired
oxygen ratio < 300, and/or v. lung infiltrates > 50% within 24 to 48 hours b.
Life-threatening disease is defined as: i. respiratory failure, ii. septic shock, and/or
iii. multiple organ dysfunction or failure

Exclusion Criteria:

- 1. Pregnant women 2. Breastfeeding women 3. Known hypersensitivity to blood products
4. Receipt of Pooled Immunoglobulin in last 30 days 5. Participating in any other
clinical trial 6. Clinical status precluding infusion of blood products

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: 85 Years

Max Super Speciality hospital, Saket (A unit of Devki Devi Foundation)
New Delhi, Delhi, India

Sangeeta Pathak, MBBS,Diploma, Principal Investigator
Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket (DDF)

Max Healthcare Insititute Limited
NCT Number
MeSH Terms