Official Title
An International, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Adaptive Placebo-controlled Study of the Efficacy and Safety of a Single Administration of Olokizumab and RPH-104 With Standard Therapy in Patients With Severe SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19)
Brief Summary

The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a single dose of RPH-104 (80 mg) or OKZ (64 mg) compared to placebo in addition to standard therapy in patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) at Day 15 of the study.

Detailed Description

The study consisted of two phases:

- Pilot phase: the first 189 patients were randomized in three groups to receive OKZ,
RPH-104 (63 patients per group), followed by an interim analysis of efficacy and safety

- The main phase was the conduct of all procedures prespecified in the protocol. Based on
results of interim analysis no changes were made regarding the sample size or primary
efficacy endpoint.

For each patient the study included the following periods:

- Screening period for no more than 48 hours before the start of the day of randomization
(Day 1). During the screening period, an assessment was performed to determine whether
the patient met the eligibility criteria;

- Treatment period lasting from the end of the screening (considered as the beginning of
the Day 1) to 23:59 of the Day 1, including randomization of the patients in the
treatment groups and then a single administration of the study drug;

- Follow-up period lasting from 00:00 of the Day 2 to 23:59 of the Day 29, including an
assessment of the efficacy and safety after administration of the study drug.

Eligible patients were randomized to one of three treatment groups to receive a single
subcutaneous injection: RPH-104 80 mg, OKZ 64 mg or placebo in addition to standard care for
patients with COVID-19 as per the routine practice in participating facilities. Further,
during the term of hospitalization, the clinical observation was performed (Day 1 - Day 15 of
the Last Hospitalization Day (LHD), whichever comes first). This was followed by a follow-up
period from the from Day 15 or LHD (whichever comes first) to Day 29.

Standard COVID-19 therapy, as per the institution routine practice, was permitted during the
study, except the prohibited protocol medication (during the whole period of the study) and
tocilizumab and sarilumab (during the first 24 hours after the study treatment

In the absence of positive dynamics in the patient's condition (as per Investigator's
judgement), it was possible to administrate a single dose of tocilizumab or sarilumab (in
accordance with the actual recommendations), after the 24 hours from one of the study drug's

On Day 15 primary endpoint of patient's clinical status (response to the study therapy) was
assessed. The response to the therapy was considered as improvement of the patient's clinical
status by at least 1 point on a 6-point COVID-19 scale in the absence of tocilizumab or
sarilumab administration.

The last patient's visit in the study was the visit on Day 29. If the patient was discharged
from the hospital earlier than Day 15 or Day 29, patient's clinical status at these visits
were assessed by phone call.

The total expected duration of the study for each patient was not more than 31 days,
including 48 hours of screening, 1 day of the study drug administration and 28 days of


Drug: RPH-104 80 mg

solution for subcutaneous administration 40 mg/mL, 2 mL in the 4-mL glass vial

Drug: Olokizumab 64 mg

solution for subcutaneous administration 160 mg/mL, in the 2-mL glass vial (target volume 0,4 ml)

Drug: Placebo

Normal Saline (0.9% Sodium Chloride solution for Injection), in the market package

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion criteria:

1. The presence of a voluntarily signed and dated Patient Informed Consent Form for
participation in this study, or a record of an Medical Consilium decision justifying
patient's participation in case of patient is unable to state his/her will.

2. Having either of the following COVID-associated respiratory syndromes:

- pneumonia with oxygenation saturation SpO2 ≤93% (on room air) or respiratory rate
greater than 30/min;

- Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) ( PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 300 mmHg or SpO2/FiO2 ≤
315 if PaO2 is not available).

3. COVID-19 diagnosis based on:

- laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection as determined by Polymerase Chain
Reaction method (PCR).


• Bilateral changes in the lungs typical for COVID-19, based on chest computed tomography

Exclusion criteria:

1. A history of hypersensitivity to the study drugs (RPH-104 and/or OKZ), and/or their

2. The presence of any of the following laboratory abnormalities:

- absolute neutrophil counts < 0.5 x 10^9 L

- white blood cell count < 2 x 10^9 L

- platelet count <50 x 10^9 L

- Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and/or Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) ≥ 3.0 x
Upper Limit of Normal (ULN)

3. Severe renal failure: creatinine clearance < 30 mL/min

4. Septic shock (vasopressors are required to maintain mean arterial pressure ≥ 65 mm Hg
and lactate ≥ 2 mmol/L in the absence of hypovolemia)

5. The disease progresses to death over the next 24 hours, regardless of treatment,
according to Investigator.

6. Perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, a history of diverticulitis.

7. Administration of plasma from COVID-19 convalescent donors within 4 weeks before study
enrollment and/or planned administration during the study.

8. Recent (less then 5 half-lives) administration of tocilizumab or sarilumab;

9. Recent (less then 5 half-lives) or planned during the current study period use of the
following drugs:

- biologics (except RPH-104 or OKZ) with immunosuppressive effect, including, but
not limited to: Interleukin-1 (IL-1) inhibitors (anakinra, rilonacept,
canakinumab), IL- 6 inhibitors (except tocilizumab and sarilumab), IL-17A
inhibitors (secukinumab), tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) inhibitors (infliximab,
adalimumab, etanercept, etc.), antiB-cell drugs, etc.

- other immunosuppressive drugs (with the exception of methotrexate in a dose of up
to 25 mg/week), including, but not limited to:

1. high doses of glucocorticoids (equivalent to prednisolone > 1 mg/kg) orally
or parenterally;

2. Janus kinase (JAK) kinase inhibitors; cyclophosphamide, etc.

10. Concurrent participation in another clinical trial.

11. Pregnancy, breastfeeding.

12. A history of active tuberculosis, or active tuberculosis suspected by the

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A
Russian Federation

Private healthcare institution "Clinical Hospital" Russian Railways-Medicine named after N. A. Semashko"
Moscow, Russian Federation

State Budget Healthcare Institution "City Clinical Hospital № 15 named after O.M. Filatov" of Moscow City Healthcare Department
Moscow, Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Cerebrovascular Pathology and Stroke" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Education Insitution of High Education the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation (Sechenov University)
Moscow, Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Education Institution of High Education the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University)
Moscow, Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Institution "Central Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic" of Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation

Federal State Budget Institution "National Medicine Research Center on Cardiology" By Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation

State Budget Institution of Healthcare "City Clinical Hospital #52", Moscow City Healthcare Department
Moscow, Russian Federation

State budgetary healthcare institution City Clinical Hospital named after S.I. Spasokukotsky Department of Health of the city of Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 50
Moscow, Russian Federation

Moscow State Budget Institution of Healthcare "Scientific Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after N.V. Sklifosovsky of Moscow Department of Healthcare"
Moscow, Russian Federation

АО "State Company "Medsi" based on Clinical Hospital №1"
Moscow, Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Volga Research Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation

Saint-Petersburg State Budget Institution of Healthcare "City Hospital №40"
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Federal Budgetary State Healthcare Institution "National Medical Research Center named after B.A. Almazov"
Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Budgetary Health Institution Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital №1
Voronezh, Russian Federation

State Budget Healthcare Institution of Yaroslavl Region "Yaroslavl Region Clinical Hospital of War Veterans"
Yaroslavl, Russian Federation

Mikhail Samsonov, Study Director
Chief Medical Officer, R-Pharm

R-Pharm International, LLC
NCT Number
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
2019 Novel Coronavirus
Respiratory disease
lung disease
MeSH Terms
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome